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- Web Compatibility Meeting Meeting - 2022-03-01
- Minutes: Previous 2022-02-01
Scribed by Thomas
The Brag Document(tm) (dennis)
Let's briefly talk about the brag document idea from last year.
- Dennis: any ideas on how to improve these? I have been using them, just not in the Google sheet as much.
- Oana: Raul and I have found them useful to know what we've done in a given week, and anyone can check them.
- Karl: I forget to update the Google sheet, as I'm used to keeping long-form diaries in my own format. It's imperfect for me.
- Karl: So we can always aggregate them from people's personal documents. It's important to think about what's too private/personal to share, but I've found it to be manageable.
- James: I'm not naturally inclined to do these. It will slip under my radar unless we have a more formal process (just before the semi-weekly meetings, during the 2 minutes, etc).
- Ksenia: it helped me to remember things I've done, especially for goals. The dating and strict format is harder to maintain, though it worked well enough.
- Tom: I was doing them quite well, until things got busy for me, and then I forgot. I think I agree with James, if we want to keep this as a serious exercise, we should make them more formal. I found them useful to go back in time, remembering what I did.
- Dennis: it sounds like we're already fine, then. Some folks are using private ones, others in the sheet.
- Karl: as long as they're useful as-is, we don't need a more formal format. Maybe for team-sharing?
- Dennis: I'm aware of other teams using Slack for that, and it seems like we're managing to share enough info using OKRs/etc. We might not know what each of us are doing from week to week, but it's been working ok so far. It doesn't sound like we need any action items right now, and we can always revisit this if we feel we should.
- James: it's worth checking if we're just avoiding the worst communication-breakdowns, versus having lots of room for improvement.
- Dennis: agreed, but it's hard to know how to improve things when we don't know what things need improvement.
- James: maybe we have a separate document to share just before the meeting, rather than our simple two-minutes in (this) agenda document? Something more searchable.
- Tom: right, we could start with something free-form until we know what we need, perhaps only grouped by week.
- Dennis: in that case, we could reformat the spreadsheet?
- James: I thinking something more free-form than a spreadsheet, a simple markdown thing maybe. Less "note taking app" and more "quick reminders" etherpad. Perhaps just a grouped-by-week thing where each person adds lines as needed for each week.
- Dennis: ok, I'll start a google doc and share it appropriately, so we can see how it goes.
- James: as long as we get buy-in that we keep it updated, perhaps instead of the two minutes.
- Dennis: sure, we can maybe move the two minutes to that document.
- James: maybe making it part of our pre-meeting regime would be enough (linked from the invite).
Would we like a Team Goal for H1 to do Gecko patches? (tom)
Basically, is there enough time/interest from others on the team during H1 to do this, or should we hold off? (I am happy to be a mentor/point-of-contact for anyone who wishes to write patches for Gecko to gain the experience)
- Tom: I'm happy to mentor people who would like to fix C++/Rust code on Gecko. It doesn't have to be in 2022H1.
- Oana: maybe make a list of bugs we're interested in?
- Raul: maybe not C++/Rust, but we might want to at least help with automated tests, interventions, etc.
- Ksenia: I also think I'm interested, will add to any bug-list document we create.
- karl: Two things and
- Dennis: I'm actually learning Rust on my own (have recently contributed to Data Science team in spare time). I have much experience already with landing patches, but don't have time right now to do any extra work like this. I do like the idea, though.
- James: right, there are two things here: the accidental complexity involved (procedural issues like back-outs and odd delays in landing), as well as learning how to get to that point (writing an actual patch, build and test, etc).
- James: I'm also happy to help, where I can.
- Dennis: let's at least try to lift everyone up to have lando/l3 access rights, and the like.
- James: we can likely get that done
- Tom: it can also help folks get noticed by more people off our team at Mozilla, so worth considering as a career/personal thing.
Brief chat about the automated test suite for interventions (tom)
How to run it, what tests look like, and so on. (We can spread this over meetings, it can be a short intro) Current tests are here:
Two Minutes ( 👹 )
The useful, the silly, the things you did since the last meeting. Pro and Perso accepted.
- Dennis: A bit of diagnosis, and other fun like reviewing patches and sending outreach emails.
- James: Interop 2022 not launch. Deleted some code.
- Karl: Diagnosis. workshop. Documenting Webcompat Priority flags. Firefox 100 outreach. Blog Post 100 Published and monitoring the news about it.
- Ksenia: Updated contribution documentation about what considered webcompat bug and about our ML bot. Diagnosis. Also started looking into Alexa replacement for top sites labelling, because it's sunsetting soon
- Oana: Triage & moderation. FFv100 site verification. First 35km bike ride this year - awesome weather.
- Raul: Triage & moderation. FFv100 site verification. First ride in a snowboard park, that is made for landing tricks.
- Thomas: Automated test framework landed, as have desktop tests. (Yay! Finally!) v31 interventions landed for desktop too. Winter is slowly going away, too. Let's not focus on other world events too much, just wish folks well.
- Joe:
- Paul: 404 not found, had 1 month of paternity leave with my 2yo kiddo. Now I'm back with fresh forces (aka 3 weeks cold) and... bummer, metrics again. However, I've started a little Google Data Studio dashboard for the team and we are currently gathering the needed info for some nice charts to show of our work. We'll probably be able to show it to you guys in 2 weeks from now.