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Scribed by Adam

OKR check-in (miketaylr)

It's the end of November, let's check out our progress.

  • https: //
  • mike: Still have a few bugs to diagnose for gs bugs, talks with Google have been happening. I think we're still
  • mike: #2 triage objective. What about the needstriage dashboard?
  • karl: 0.8, almost finished.
  • mike: Good work, so we can deploy soon?
  • karl: Yes. It is a first draft, will not be beautiful. Please open issues if you have suggestions.
  • mike: We may have over 50 issues after a weekend, but most days we are below 50 untriaged bugs.
  • karl: Mondays see higher volumes 150+ bugs, but we bring it down on Monday and is steady through the week
  • mike: #3 improvements. We should kill the "Fix bugs" KR because the site refactor work is more important. How 's the refactor going?
  • ola: The refactor is going well. Hardest part now is the content.
  • mike: CSS docs?
  • ola: They are almost finished.
  • mike: It would be useful to think about what you think we should do in 2018

Austin All-Hands check-in (miketaylr)

Let's do a bit of light planning, and a gentle brain-prod to include discussion items to the Agenda. (I'd like to try to do a team dinner on Thursday evening, so if you RSVP'd for Star Wars, let's plan around that.)

  • mike: Getting ready to travel.
  • mike: Ola will be attending remotely (everything, ok no) and leading some sessions. Want to have a team dinner one night. Wednesday and Friday are Mozilla things, so Thursday seems like the best day maybe?
  • mike: We can do dinner between 6-8pm to leave room for Star Wars.
  • mike: Would be cool to dinner at my house.

Winter Break Triage (miketaylr)

Lots of PTO is happening during the Mozilla winter break. Let's figure it out.

  • mike: Dec 22 to Jan 3, we're off! SV are taking that holiday week off. But they may be working Dec 22 and Jan 3
  • sergiu: Yes we are here
  • mike: We need to cover the xmas week. Let's not get ourselves into triage trouble. If we can get at least 2 hours of triage per day, that would be awesome, but nobody is obligated to do this. Will have a sign up sheet, to help with this. You will get your hours back in the new year.
  • karl: from 22 to 29 December, I'm out of communications.
  • sergiu: how many people should do this work?
  • karl: Now there's three of us, but currently it seems the volume is going down.
  • mike: If we can get 1 person per day for 2 hours
  • karl: Don't be afraid to close incomplete or invalid issues. Leave a comment suggesting to reopen the bug if they have more information, but close initially.
  • ola: Are there any sprints planned?
  • karl: Good call, we should check that.
  • sergiu: Should we keep the number of open bugs to a limit?
  • karl: Do what you can within reason.
  • mike: Put in the two hours and stop. Main concern is we show up and some crazy regression happened but we didn't notice.
  • sergiiu: Will you be on IRC?
  • mike: Always, I'm always here. eric+1

type-media (miketaylr)

  • mike: SURPRISE! The media team wants to turn on the type-media tool, in a targeted way. Trying to think of ways to keep them out of our triage queue. But they want to catch some more errors on the Nightly cycle.
  • https: //

Two Minutes ( 🐝 )

This is the summary of what you have done during the week. Feel free to add your own 2 minutes. Keep it short. Feel free to add your name if you think you need to share something.

  • Adam: PTO, partner contacting, triage, webcompat outreach
  • Dennis: Mostly sick-by-flu, some work aftercare, ...
  • Eric: Issue triage; Prototype similar bugs in bug report form; Campus talk *2
  • Karl: triage, triage, triage. Reviewing a bit of code. Diving into Python. Being a bit sick too.
  • Guillaume: Triage dashboard, and one module in css/html refactoring
  • Mike: PTO. Lots of housework.
  • Ola: LSG + refactor. Really good progress.
  • Oana: Continued testing ID locale and investigate issues.
  • Sergiu: Continued testing ID locale and investigate issues. Off Thurs + Friday this week for national holidays.
  • Thomas: Mostly work on my addons, after I recovered from my own illness. UA addon is about done, progress on the diag addon is good, regression addon still needs work.