Community Ops/Discourse/SOPs/Deleting an Account

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This SOPs is currently a work in progress. If you want to edit, update or add to this SOP, feel free to do so!

You will need a discourse admin account to complete this SOP.

Deleting vs Anonymising Accounts


Users can delete their own accounts if they have less than two posts. If a user has not meaningfully contributed to any discussions, an admin will be able to delete their account.


If a user has made meaningful discussions, we will anonymise their accounts instead of deleting them. This will replace all of the user's personal information and they will no longer be able to access the account.

Process for Deleting

  • First, check if their account is more than 14 days old. If it is, you will need to temporarily edit the delete_user_max_age admin setting
  • Check if their account has more than 2 posts. If it is, you will need to temporarily edit the delete_all_posts_max admin setting.
  • On the user's admin page, scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete User'. If the above two requirements are satsfied, the user will be deleted.

Process for Anonymising

  • On the user's admin page, scroll to the bottom and click 'Anonymize User'. After confirmation, the user will become anonymised.