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Release Engineering Buildduty Meeting
Date: 2013-08-20 Time: 1:30pm EDT Room: ReleaseEngineering Vidyo room
Status of buildduty period
- 10.7 machines now fully managed by puppet again
- puppet was OOM yesterday
- use1 is going crazy today
- disabled masters
Previous action items
- (armenzg) find a public location to publish meeting notes
- (coop) create an etherpad to keep track of day-to-day
- slaveapi update (bhearsum)
- working on deployed instance
- next steps: client interface
- help: others can implement other actions
- w64-ix slave reboot issue (jhopkins)
- ssh connection issues kpym
- updated credentials
- iterate through all ix machines checking credentials
- HPs have different protocol, Callek has extra flag -I lanplus
- slave loan process (coop)
- (callek) audibles if time permits [all can be deferred to e-mail or next week] ;-)
- ability to self-serve ix and hp reimages
- (and more OS's in sidebar)
- Needs Puppetagain Deployment Password
- Directly after reimage the host has a unique root password, so also useful to have it incase of puppet issues.
- mobile in slavealloc, by EOW[?]
- ability to self-serve ix and hp reimages
- (bhearsum) kpym config
- [jh] Why don't tree closures specify bug numbers most of the time? Should
we ask the sheriffs to file bugs so that we can retro on the causes?
- [jh] panda reboots
- [jh] running buildduty meetings. default to prior on-duty person?
- (bhearsum) slaveapi datastore
- (armenzg) how can I get meeting notes to show up automatically here?