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Release Engineering Buildduty Meeting
Date: 2013-08-15 Room: ReleaseEngineering Vidyo room
Status of buildduty period
- let's recap previous meeting about slave api - which decisions we took?
- bhearsum to get the reboots working by the end of August
- prioritization
- coop asks bhearsum how much time he can work on it?
- bhearsum says that he has to talk with catlee; he's still waiting on some IT work
- balrog is above it priority-wise
- we have a json flavour of it
- filing of bugs
- this part is already working
- status for a given host
- flat json file
- closer to live information
- we might need some sort of short caching to not flood things
- coop is trying to get nagios status via json into slavealloc
- can we get people working on the PDU class
- I thought I had it in
- I think I was going to get this code into burrito
- I have an account for releng automation ("releng-inventory-automation" user)
- Panda Recovery Process (reminder)
- Credentials
- Try not to duplicate with Autoland
- (armenzg) who runs the meetings?
- we briefly discussed doing "previous weeks buildduty", do we want to do that going forward?
- Coop will.
- (armenzg) do we have a page with scope for the work that bhearsum is working on?
- We can use the TODO file for now
- (Callek) I will soon be having Tegras and Pandas under slavealloc
- we will update the documentation
Action items
- (armenzg) find a public location to publish meeting notes
- (coop) create an etherpad to keep track of day-to-day