From MozillaWiki
- Summary of the last meeting.
- State of 5.0.
- Only one blocker (confidential bug, waiting for review)
- Getting QA tests running on 5.0 branch will give us an opportunity to get them running on trunk as well, since the two will be essentially the same for a time.
- What BMO extensions can be moved upstream
- glob: i suspect this would be better suited to a list-based discussion than in a meeting
- AntiSpam
- ComponentWatching - bug 76794 (assigned to dylan)
- ContributorEngagement
- EditComments - bug 540 (policy not technical decision)
- FlagDefaultRequestee
- FlagTypeComment
- Gravatar
- InlineHistory - bug 11368 (assigned to dylan)
- MyDashboard
- Needinfo
- OpenGraph
- ProdCompSearch
- ProductDashboard
- Profanivore
- RestrictComments
- SecureMail
- SiteMapIndex
- Splinter
- glob proposed that the issue is rather one of a lack of extension packaging and discoverability.
- sgreen will raise the issue on the dev mailing list
- Some discussion about the support (development and otherwise) of included-but-disabled extensions: there's no difference between them and non-extension core features.
- Drop MS-SQL support before it is added?
- AFAIK, no code has been committed, and its better to pull the plug now.
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?short_desc=MS-SQL&query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=substring&product=Bugzilla
- No meaningful activity in over 2½ years, and no response to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=285122#c49 in eight weeks.
- However, wontfixing it sends the message that "we don't want bugzilla to work on ms-sql", which isn't accurate (we just don't have the resources to make that happen right now).
- No harm in leaving it open.
- Allow multiple aliases per bug (bug 1012506)?
- Unanimous agreement.
- This is an API-breaking change, but both Bugzilla 5.0 and 6.0 are known "breaking things" updates.
- Varia.
- RedHat are finally upgrading their systems.
- Both Bugzilla GSoC projects are progressing well; we are mid-term.
- Documentation status: still in re-licensing waiting for responses from everyone.
- Discussion around the blockers for cvs decomissioning:
- Dropping bugzilla 4.0 when we release 5.0 releases Bugzilla sites from relying on CVS.
- Other Bugzilla assets still use cvs (e.g. website).
- dkl wrote a docker container for bugzilla: https://github.com/dklawren/docker-bugzilla