Breakpad/Status Meetings/2008-Dec-3
From MozillaWiki
< Breakpad | Status Meetings
- store user ids of reports selected manually for priority jobs, auto-process if seen again
- link to crash report immediately in crash report dialog so people know how to see it right away
deferred job status
- deferred jobs cleanup script wasn't working as expected
- aravind wrote a secondary script to scan and delete deferred files older than a certain date
- no rush to push updated cleanup script, have time to do it right
- 1.5T available
- 158G available by symbols
- 375G left as of 1132am 12/3
- at 75% of capacity, 375G left
- before cleanup we were at 95% capacity
- database requirements - 200G disk, 67%
- can we archive partitions older than 120 days
deferred job space solutions
- right way
- client-side feasibility of gzipping in crash report client
- can stackwalk be modified to accept/determine gzip vs. uncompressed
- right but hacky way
- gzipping in collector raises cpu load in the webheads
- have stackwalk detect gzip and inflate as necessary
- not so right and hacky way
- gzipping in collector raises cpu load in the webheads
- processor inflates before calling stackwalk
- crappy way
- have a secondary process gzipping deferred jobs, hoping there aren't collisions
- processor tries/fails between compressed and uncompressed
- get bigger disks
- possible, but not really necessary
- shorten deferred jobs lifetime
- 12 days? 10 days?