From MozillaWiki
Research Fields
- Population: 7.120.666
- Age structure
- Main languages: Serbian, in autonomous province Vojvodina, main languages are: Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak, Croatian, Romanian, Rusyn
- 55,2 % of population have computer at their home (21% of them have a laptop)
- # of computers per 1,000
Internet Usage:
- Internet Users (total / 47,5%)
- User growth (6,3% increase from 2011)
- Number of users that use Internet everyday: ~2.100.000
- Browsers market share: last 3 months: Chrome 40,56% (increasing), Firefox 38,29% (decreasing), IE 12,34% (decreasing), Opera 6,62% (decreasing) Safari 1,52% (increasing),
- Broadband penetration: 38%
Social networks
- Number of users on social networks: 92,1% of users have profile on Facebook and Twitter - age 16 to 24.
OSS adoption:
- Open Source Adoption (Linux, OpenOffice etc..) : Linux: 1,18% (18,5% of usage in enterprise)
- Hacker Spaces: Hacklab Belgrade
- Mobile phone users: 83,9%
- Mobile internet usage: 37,2%
- Smartphone penetration and take-up over the last year: unknown
- Mobile browser market share: Opera 46,69%, Nokia 17,99%, Android 17,32% (rapidly increasing), 6,95%, NetFront 3,52%,