Balkans/Marketing/Research Template

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The aim of this page is to provide a market research framework that Balkan Mozilla communities can use to create a basic “Country fact sheet” providing specific insights as they relate to promoting the Mozilla Project and recruiting new contributors in their locale. A basic set of data fields have been identified that can help inform active Balkan Mozilla contributors on Internet penetration, usage, demographics, trends etc. in their locale and thus help them better identify challenges, opportunities and priorities as they push the Mozilla project forward in their locale. Once the fact sheet is finished, it will be shared with other communities through the Balkan mailing list and published on the relevant community portal. The fact sheet should be updated on a quarterly basis, ideally.

Research Fields


  • Population
  • Age structure
  • Main languages
  • # of computers per 1,000

Internet Usage:

  • Internet Users (total / %)
  • User growth (2000 - 2010)
  • Browsers market share
  • Broadband penetration

OSS adoption:

  • Open Source Adoption (Linux, OpenOffice etc..)
  • Govt. sponsored OSS Programmes
  • OSS in schools and universities

Web & Software business Landscape:

  • Hacker Spaces
  • Web Companies


  • Mobile phone users
  • Mobile internet usage
  • Smartphone penetration and take-up over the last year
  • Mobile browser market share



Suggested resources to obtain country statistics:
Google public data: Population per country

Age structure

Suggested resources to obtain country statistics:

Internet population

Suggested resources to obtain country statistics:
Google public data: Internet population per country

Internet Usage

Internet users percentage

Divide overall country population by 100, then divide overall internet population by the result.
Suggested resources to obtain country statistics:

User Growth

Suggested resources to obtain country statistics:
Google public data: Internet population per country

Broadband penetration

Find out what percentage of all internet users in your country are using a high-speed or broadband connection.
Suggested resources to obtain country statistics:

OSS adoption

Open Source Adoption (Linux, OpenOffice etc..)

You could try to find the actual (almost precise) percentage of users using open source software in your country by contacting several open source communities' leaders. Also, it'd be nice to google up some blogs or even gov articles(where possible) with more info.

Govt. sponsored OSS Programmes

Check gov website, and if no info can be found there, try emailing administration.

OSS in schools and universities

There's no easy way to get this info, unless your city website provides you with data you need. In case it doesn't, take some time to visit websites, pick up email addresses, and then send an email introducing yourself as Mozilla local community leader/contributor, explaining why are you doing this research and how we're gonna use this data.