From MozillaWiki
- [mcote] Improving UX around "token is not valid" error messages.
- See bug 1209148; I've also heard people comment on it outside of bugs.
- Can we somehow automatically reload the page in this case?
- What would be the implications of just refreshing the API token in some cases? Maybe once a day.
- New API method to get a fresh token if the current one is valid and the user is authenticated.
- [dkl] Are we allowed to give out form.triage.request to anyone or does mhoye or others do that on a need basis?
- If yes, then I will update get_permissions.html.tmpl to point to that form for canconfirm requests.
- [glob] handling password resets .. no more!
- [glob] ux preferences
- [mcote] Finalize goals.
- [dylan] C is for cookie
- [dylan] Another thing