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Switch Bluetooth stack bewteen bluez/bluedroid

For version JB 4.2, if you want to use bluez on JB, you need to modify some files. See [Bug 911038][1]

b2g bluedroid branch


Enable bluedroid on flame (JB-based)

See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1004896

 adb remount
 tar jxvf replace-bluez-flame.tar.bz and run replace_bluedroid_reply.sh when you connected with your device
  • Apply patch replace-bluez-flame-gecko.patch and ./build.sh gecko && ./flash.sh gecko

Gecko bluetotoh will run bluedroid now.

 ### replace_bluedroid_reply.sh
 adb push audio.a2dp.default.so /system/lib/hw
 adb push bt_stack.conf /system/etc/bluetooth
 adb push bt_did.conf /system/etc/bluetooth
 adb push stack.conf /system/etc/bluetooth
 adb push auto_pair_devlist.conf /system/etc/bluetooth
 adb push libbt-utils.so /system/lib
 adb push libbt-hci.so /system/lib
 adb push bluetooth.default.so /system/lib/hw
 adb push bdt /system/bin
 ######## vendor #########
 adb push libbt-vendor.so /system/vendor/lib

How does GeckoBluetooth choose to use bluez or bluedroid?

In configure.in, it checks whether folder path external/bluetooth/bluez or external/bluetooth/bluedroid exists.

Bluetooth interfaces

  • bt_interface_t
    • Bluedroid implemented as bluetoothInterface in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/btif/src/bluetooth.c: System control BT adapter.
    • See: external/bluetooth/bluedroid/btif/src/bluetooth.c
    • You need to use |get_bluetooth_interface()| to access all avaiable GAP profile functions.
  • btav_interface_t
    • Bluedroid implemented as bt_av_interface in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/btif/src/btif_av.c: System control A2DP service
    • audio_hw_device and audio_stream_out: Bluedroid implemented in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/audio_a2dp_hw/audio_a2dp_hw.c: AudioFlinger uses A2DP client as audio output device.
    • tHCI_IF: Bluedroid implemented as hci_h4_func_table in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/hci/src/hci_h4.c: Bluedroid HCI interface (data/cmd/evt in/out)
    • bt_hc_interface_t: Bluedroid defined, Bluedroid implemented as bluetoothHCLibInterface in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/hci/src/bt_hci_bdroid.c:

Wrapper of tHCI_IF, has bt_hc_worker_thread to serialize downcoming HCI commands and read upcoming data/evt from HCI device.

  • HFP, A2DP profile interfaces, you need to call |get_profile_interface()| to access profile interfaces.

See |hardware/libhardware/include/hardware| header files

GeckoBluetooth for bluedroid

  • GAP: dom/bluetooth/bluedroid/gonk/BluetoothServiceBluedroid.cpp
  • HFP/A2DP/OPP Profiles under: dom/bluetooth/bluedroid

See also bluedroid metabug for more information Bug 876583 [2]

Some notes about gonk-jb bluedroid stack:

What do we care about?
HAL API all exposed in hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/, bluetooth.h defines all BluetoothAdapter needed. In general bluedroid apis are callback instead of dbus style programming.

GAP profile: external/bluetooth/bluedroid/btif/src/btif_dm.c

Important data structures: bt_property_t.

For "device found" callback, possible properties from device_found are:
properties[1]. type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME
properties[2]. type = BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR
properties[4]. type = BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE
properties[5]. type = BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE
properties[11]. type = BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_RSSI

Adapter property maps to: sBluetoothInterface->get_adapter_property((bt_property_type_t) type) adapter_properties_callback

For adapter/remote device properties type, check btif/src/btif_storage.c, function cfg2prop.

Bluetooth Socket interface. bluedroid only provides two API, connect and listen. To receive connected or disconnected, you have to read connection signal. connection signal format as:

typedef struct {
    short size;
    bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr;
    int channel;
    int status;
} __attribute__((packed)) sock_connect_signal_t;


In /system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf defined logging level and logger output.

#Enable BtSnoop logging function
#valid value : true, false
#BtSnoop log output file

In /system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf defined
logging level, this effected what we saw in logcat
You can use Wireshark or frontline viewer to open it.

Log level

#Trace level configuration
#BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE 0 ( No trace messages to be generated )
#BT_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR 1 ( Error condition trace messages )
#BT_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING 2 ( Warning condition trace messages )
#BT_TRACE_LEVEL_API 3 ( API traces )
#BT_TRACE_LEVEL_EVENT 4 ( Debug messages for events )
#BT_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG 5 ( Full debug messages )

Another way to enable external runtime parse tool such as hcidump is to enable BTSNOOP_EXT_PARSER_INCLUDED. See hci/include/bt_hci_bdroid.h, by default the debugging port is port 4330.

Turn off optimization Recomplile bluedroid stack with LOCAL_CFLAGS += -O0 (http://androidxref.com/4.3_r2.1/xref/external/bluetooth/bluedroid/main/Android.mk#116).

Log tool

Grab offline tool from [3]

  • togglelog.sh: Enable/Disable bluedroid log
  • openlog.sh: Download bluedroid log and use wireshark to check

Customize bluedroid stack

There is one bdroid_buildcfg.h file under device/vendor_name/device_name/bluetooth. This header file is for override configuration during build time. For example, BTM_DEF_LOCAL_NAME is for changing local adapter name.

Gecko support

See configure.in, it is to check whether folder external/bluetooth/bluez or external/bluetooth/bluedroid exists.


Nexus 4 Porting: Make sure qct libbt-vendor had been compiled so you will see libbt-vendor.so in the device.
Path is /system/vendor/lib/libbt-vendor.so libbt-vendor source code is in: hardware/qcom/bt/libbt-vendor You need to make sure the following .so files are in Nexus 4.
/system/lib/libbt-hci.so, libbt-utils.so
/system/lib/hw/audio.a2dp.default.so, bluetooth.default.so
To build bluedroid library for your device with b2g project, please add a config like this: https://github.com/shuangMoz/device-mako/commit/58a9889b70f1c21b52386af8800d0e525cd4947c

For bcm chipset, source code in device/common/libbt (Vendor specific folder) which generates libbt-vendors.so.

device/common/libbt/include/vnd_machinename.txt , defines UART port and firmware patchram location.

**Note: BCM chipset vendor library location changes to platform/hardware/broadcom/libbt and under hardware/broadcom/libbt, in Android 4.4.

For Qct chipsets, power on Bluetooth chipset still depends on "/sytem/etc/init.qcom.bt.sh". See hardware/qcom/bt/libbt-vendor/src/hardware.c , function hw_config(). You need to also make sure /sytem/etc/init.qcom.bt.sh can be executed. bluedroid config path:
bluedroid storage path:
All path stores in:
The format of bt_config.xml

   <N21 Tag="84:7a:88:fe:7e:f6">
           <N1 Tag="Timestamp" Type="int">1372749957</N1>
           <N2 Tag="Name" Type="string">unagi plus</N2>
           <N3 Tag="DevClass" Type="int">5898764</N3>
           <N4 Tag="DevType" Type="int">1</N4>
           <N5 Tag="LinkKeyType" Type="int">5</N5>
           <N6 Tag="PinLength" Type="int">0</N6>
           <N7 Tag="LinkKey" Type="binary">a6a59a57c4effbcc432af4e2d21def9e</N7>
           <N8 Tag="Service" Type="string">0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00001105-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 0000112f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00001112-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 0000111f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 00006675-7475-7265-6469-616c62756d70 </N8>

What remote_device_properties_callback returns records such as:

   BD Name - Bluetooth Device Name
   Remote friendly name - User defined friendly name of the remote device
   Class - Bluetooth Class of Device as found in Assigned Numbers 
   Type - Device Type - BREDR, BLE or DUAL Mode
   Bluetooth Service 128-bit UUIDs

Hardware configuration:

Take an example: device/common/libbt/conf/samsung/maguro/bt_vendor.conf

 # UART device port where Bluetooth controller is attached
 UartPort = /dev/ttyO1
 # Firmware patch file location
 FwPatchFilePath = /vendor/firmware/

Power-on sequence

Bluetooth power on
Bluetooth power on