Window-eyes 6.1D Beta
XHTML CheckBox
Outside of Browse Mode.
- First (valid) checkbox reads correctly as: "Include Decorative Fruit Basket: checkbox: checked."
- Required checkbox reads as: "Required checkbox checkbox required checked"
- Invalid checkbox reads the same as required.
- The button to set focus to the check box works correctly. The checkbox is read as it is given focus.
- The untabbable button is not in the tab order.
- The untabbable button gets focus when you push the "Click to try and focus the untabbable button" button. The button and its label are read as focus is given to it.
Inside Browse Mode:
- All three checkboxes read correctly.
- Pressing the focus buttons works as expected--browse mode is deactivated and focus is given to the appropriate control.
HTML Checkbox
Works as expected, in and out of browse mode.
XHTML Graphical Slider
Outside of Browse Mode:
- The slider label is spoken, followed by the slider position: "My Slider: 5: track bar.""
- Pressing the right arrow increases the slider by increments of 5. Pressing left arrow decreases by 5.
- Pressing home slides the slider all the way to the left.
- Pressing end slides the slider all the way to the right.
- On each press of arrow keys or home/end, you hear only the new numbered position, e.g. "0" "100", etc.
- The Move Slider Left and Move Slider Right buttons are not visible outside browse mode.
Inside Browse Mode:
The following is spoken as you down-arrow over the slider:
"0 Move slider left button Slider Move slider right button 100
- As you can see, the slider's current position is not spoken.
- Pressing enter while on the slider does not exit browse mode as it should. One needs to manually deactivate browse mode to interact with the control.
- Pressing the Move Slider Left or Move Slider right buttons exits browse mode, but yields neither information nor results. Focus seems to be lost after this. The user must tab to the location box then shift+tab to go back to the slider. Pressing shift+tab appears to shift focus to the browser content pane itself, and pressing tab again brings focus back to the slider. Relevant Accevent log:
OBJ_FOCUS Name="My slider" Role=slider State=focused (unknown) Name="My slider" Role=slider State=focused OBJ_FOCUS Name="Graphical ARIA Slider" Role=document State=read only,focusable (unknown) Name="Graphical ARIA Slider" Role=document State=read only,focusable OBJ_FOCUS Name="My slider" Role=slider State=focused (unknown) Name="My slider" Role=slider State=focused
Simple XHTML Slider
Outside of Browse Mode
- The slider seems to be at position 33 by default. Pressing the left and right arrows, home and end keys works as it should, with Window-eyes announcing the current position.
- This slider seems only to go between 0 and 50, even though a review of the screen with the mouse keys and browse mode shows it goes from 0 to 100.
Inside Browse Mode The slider reads: 0 slider 100
as you arrow down.
- As with the more complex slider, pressing enter on "Slider" does not exit browse mode.
XHTML Progress Bar
Outside Browse Mode:
- The progress bar is not detected.
- When you press the load schedule button, you get no feedback.
- Once you press the Load Schedule button, the cancel button becomes tabbable.
Inside Browse Mode
- The progress bar is not detected.
- You are able to arrow or tab through the load schedule and cancel buttons. * The last thing in the buffer is "Loading Schedule..." even if you have not clicked the Load Schedule button.
- Once you click the load schedule button and the schedule finishes loading, its contents appear in the buffer. Note that the line "Loading Schedule..." still appears even after the schedule has loaded.
XHTML Alerts
By Button
Create and Focus
- On pressing the button, Window-eyes deactivates browse mode, then reads the alert text followed by "read-only edit box: alert."
- Focus shifts to the alert text, but there is no audible indication of this. Pressing tab brings focus to the Close link.
- Using the arrow keys at this point yields only silence. If the user hears "read-only edit box" they will expect to be able to read the contents with their arrows.
- The read current line command also yields silence.
Create No Focus Button
- Window-eyes deactivates browse mode, then reads the alert text followed by "read-only edit box."
- Focus remains on the button that was pressed.
- The arrows remain silent as with the focused alert.
- The read current line command reads the alert text.
Show Via Visibility Style and Focus
Identical to "Create and Focus."
Show Via Visibility Style No Focus
Identical to Create No Focus.
Show Via Display Style and Focus
Identical to Create and Focus.
Show Via Display Style No Focus
Identical to Create No Focus.