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Deprecated by work on Balrog.

Database Schema Goals

  1. Referential integrity in data source
    • Add an RDBMS - MySQL likely - that uses a schema designed to store the data required for business rules and update metadata -- including data points we may not even track currently (these need to be defined).
  2. No duplication of data
    • Basic normalization (without OVER normalizing) should quite easily take care of this.

Proposed Solution

Using this less than completely normalized solution is theorized to be faster. Rather than using joins, each table will have it's value looked up with an independent query. Caching the results of these queries will minimize actual hits on the database.



A Couple Problems

On beginning to translate the file system to the database I have growing concern that the database schema is not correct. The diagram shows the updateParameters table having a foreign key to the updates table. This couldn't be correct because the sample xml file shows more than one update being offered. If the diagram were correct, only one update could be offered for a given set of input parameters.

Reversing the relationship is not correct either. If the foreign key were to be in the updates table pointing to the updateParameters table, then there could be more than one update offered for a given set of input parameters. However, this would mean that an update is tied to a specific set of update parameters. I wager that is not what is intended.

I believe that we need to add a join table to go between the the updateParameters table and the updates table. This would enable a set of updates to server more than one set of input parameters.

However, I am concerned that an undesirable situation may develop. I generate rows in the updates and patches tables by reading the complete.txt and partial.txt files. I create tentative row entries for the tables from the files and then look into the tables to see if rows identical to my tentative rows exist. If an identical row exists, I throw away my tentative row and substitute the existing row.

Look at this scenario:

  • .../somepath01/complete.txt translates to updates row U1 and patches row P1.
  • .../somepath01/partial.txt translates to updates row U1 and patches row P2.
  • U1 is in the database only once, with P1 and P2 with references to it.
  • U1 is associated with a row in updateParameters for 'somepath01'
  • .../somepath02/complete.txt translates to updates row U1 and patches row P3.
  • .../somepath02/partial.txt translates to updates row U1 and patches row P4.
  • Since updates row U1 was already in the database, a new one was not created.
  • Patches rows P3 and P4 are given an association with U1.
  • Since U1 is given an additional association with updateParameters row 'somepath02'
  • All four patches rows P1, P2, P3 and P4 now have an association through updates row U1 with both

updateParameters rows 'somepath01' and 'somepath02'.

This was not expressed in the original file structure. Is this situation likely to happen? Is it undesirable?

Mapping Files To Tables

In mapping the pathname to database fields, each segment in the path leads to an entry in a database table:

incoming/2/Firefox/trunk/Linux_x86-gcc3/2007061204/en-US/complete.txt ->

incoming/2/Firefox/trunk/Linux_x86-gcc3/2007061204/en-US/complete.txt ->

incoming/2/Firefox/trunk/Linux_x86-gcc3/2007061204/en-US/complete.txt ->

incoming/2/Firefox/trunk/Linux_x86-gcc3/2007061204/en-US/complete.txt ->

incoming/2/Firefox/trunk/Linux_x86-gcc3/2007061204/en-US/complete.txt ->

incoming/2/Firefox/trunk/Linux_x86-gcc3/2007061204/en-US/complete.txt -> (2 - nightly; 3 - ???)




The rest of the values to be mapped into the database come from the complete.txt and partial.txt files. An example mapping follows:

There are two file formats, one with keywords and one without

complete  -> patches.type -> patches.URL
sha1 -> patches.hashFunction
4fe7d4db03ef96eb8f34bce05d740d986fcb0bc0 -> patches.hashValue
10752925 -> patches.size
2007061207 ->
3.0a6pre -> updates.version
3.0a6pre -> updates.extensionVersion
detailsUrl= -> patches.detailsUrl (if present, otherwise NULL)

updates.type is another complication. It gets 'minor' if updates.type is 'nightly' otherwise it gets NULL

table 1: updates

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary generated
updateType integer   1 - minor (default)
2 - major (file: updateType line)
version varchar   file: version line
appv varchar   file: appv line
extv varchar   file: extv line
detailsUrl varchar   NULL
file: detailsURL line (if present)
licenseUrl varchar   NULL
file: licenseUrl line (if present)

id updateType version extensionVersion detailsURL licenseUrl
0 minor 1.0.4 1.0 NULL
1 major 1.1.2 1.1 NULL

table 2: patches

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary generated
type integer   1 - complete;
2 - partial
(file: type line)
url varchar   file: url line
hashFunction varchar   file: hashFunction line
hashValue varchar   file: hashValue line
size varchar   file: size line
build varchar   file: build line
update_id integer FK(updates)

id type URL hashFunction hashValue size updateId
0 partial       0
1 complete       0
2 complete       1

table 3: updateParameters

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
product_id integer FK(product)
version_id integer FK(version)
buildId_id integer FK(build_id)
buildTarget_id integer FK(build_target)
locale_id integer FK(locale)
channel_id integer FK(channel)
osVersion_id integer FK(os_version)
distribution_id integer FK(distribution)
distributionVersion_id integer FK(distribution_version)
update_id integer FK(updates)

table 4: updateParametersToUpdates

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
updateParameters_id integer FK(updateParameters)
updates_id integer FK(updates)

table 5: products

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 6: versions

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 7: buildIds

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 8: buildTargets

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 9: locales

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 10: channels

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 11: osVersions

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 12: distributions

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

table 13: distributionVersions

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
name varchar

Previous Proposals

Fully Normalized Hierarchy



  • number of tables: 17
  • number of joins to get data: 16

Sample SQL:

  product join pv on ( = %PRODUCT% and = pv.productId)  
            join version on ( = %VERSION% and = pv.versionId)
              join pvb on ( = pvb.pvId)
                join build_id on ( = %BUILD_ID% and = pvb.build_idId)
                  join pvbbt on ( = pvbbt.pvbId)
                    join build_target on ( = %BUILD_TARGET% and = pvbbt.build_targetId)
                      join pvbbtl on ( = pcbbtl.pvbbtId)
                        join locale on ( = %LOCALE% and = pvbbtl.localId)
                          join pvbbtlc on ( = pvbbtlc.pvbbtlId)
                            join channel on ( = %CHANNEL% and = pvbbtlc.channelId)
                              join pvbbtlcos on ( = pcvbbtlcos.pvbbtlcId)
                                join os_version on ( = %OS_VERSION% and = pvbbtlcos.os_versionId)
                                  join pvbbtlcosd on ( = pvbbtlcosd.pcbbtlcosId)
                                    join distribution in ( = %DISTRIBUTION% and = pvbbtlcosd.distributionId)
                                      join payload on ( = payload.pvbbtlcosdId)
                                        join distibution_version on ( = %DISTRIBUTION_VERSION% and = payload.distibution_versionId)


  • simulates the original hierarchical structure
  • highly normalized


  • very verbose SQL
  • structure, while faithful to the previous system, doesn't necessarily accurately model the data relationships

Mostly Normalized Hierarchy with Rearrangement



  • number of tables: 16
  • number of joins: 15

Sample SQL

  payload join (product join pv on ( = %PRODUCT% and = pv.productId)  
                          join version on ( = %VERSION% and = pv.versionId)
                            join pvb on ( = pvb.pvId)
                              join build_id on ( = %BUILD_ID% and = pvb.build_idId))
                on payload.pvbId =
            join (btos join build_target on ( = %BUILD_TARGET% and = btos.build_targetId)
                         join os_version on ( = %OS_VERSION% and = btos.os_versionId)
                           join btosl on ( = btosl.btosId)
                             join locale on ( = %LOCALE% and = btosl.localeId))
                  on payload.btoslId =
               join (cd join channel on ( = %CHANNEL% and = cd.channelId)
                          join distribution on ( = %DISTRIBUTION% and = cd.distributionId)
                            join cddv on ( = cddv.cdId)
                              join distribution_version on ( = %DISTRIBUTION_VERSION% and = cddv.distribution_versionId))
                     on payload.cddvId =


  • normalized
  • rearrangement more accurately reflect the data relationships


  • complicated SQL




  • number of tables: 10
  • number of joins to get data: 9

Sample SQL:

  payload join product on ( = %PRODUCT% and = payload.productId)  
            join version on ( = %VERSION% and = payload.versionId)
              join build_id on ( = %BUILD_ID% and = payload.build_idId)
                join build_target on ( = %BUILD_TARGET% and = payload.build_targetId)
                  join locale on ( = %LOCALE% and = payload.localId)
                    join channel on ( = %CHANNEL% and = payload.channelId)
                      join os_version on ( = %OS_VERSION% and = payload.os_versionId)
                        join distribution in ( = %DISTRIBUTION% and = payload.distributionId)
                          join distibution_version on ( = %DISTRIBUTION_VERSION% and = payload.distibution_versionId)


  • fewer joins means faster queries


  • poor normalization
  • no direct expression of the relationships between the keys


No Image

The information is stored in a single table keyed by the entire URL.


  • number of tables: 1
  • number of joins to get data: 0

Sample SQL:

select payload.* from payload where url = %URL%


  • fastest of the options
  • no complicated SQL to maintain


  • no relationships between keys stored in the database

Metadata First Cut

Converting an XML Schema into a relational database schema can be pretty straight forward. An element generally corresponds with a row in a table. The attributes inside the start tags correspond to the data in columns of the table. Nested elements are rows in another table that has a foreign key relationship with the table to which the parent element is associated. The tree structure of XML lends itself to orderly relational database schema.

While more complicated relationships can exist between the elements, the schema of this project seems very simple.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <update type="minor" version="1.0.4" extensionVersion="1.0" 
    <patch type="partial" URL=""
           hashFunction="" hashValue="" size=""/>
    <patch type="complete" URL=""
           hashFunction="" hashValue="" size=""/>
  <update type="major" version="1.1.2" extensionVersion="1.1"
    <patch type="complete" URL=""
           hashFunction="" hashValue="" size=""/>

AUS Metadata Database Schema Naive Version 1

This proposal introduces just two tables: updates and patches. They correspond to the major elements of the aforementioned XML file.

table 1: updates

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
type varchar | enum | integer   several options for implementation
version varchar   likely a foreign key?
extensionVersion varchar   likely a foreign key?
detailsURL varchar   is this url completely unique?

id type version extensionVersion detailsURL
0 minor 1.0.4 1.0
1 major 1.1.2 1.1

table 2: patches

column name type attribute comment
id sequence primary  
type varchar | enum | integer   several options for implementation
URL varchar   is this url completely unique?
hashFunction varchar    
hashValue varchar    
size varchar   if it's never actually
used as an integer
updateId integer FK(updates)

id type URL hashFunction hashValue size updateId
0 partial       0
1 complete       0
2 complete       1


This schema is missing any indication of the product. Does this system need to take into account more than just one product? If is does, imagine another enclosing

How does this schema meet the goals at the top of the page?

  1. required for business rules and update metadata...: What are the business rules? Can't test to see if this is sufficient for the business rules until I have business rules. If the "update metadata" is captured in its entirety by the XML example, the it is safe to judge that this database schema is equivalent.
  2. Basic normalization (without OVER normalizing)...: This simple schema is normalized if the values in the columns are unique. Each table has a type attribute that could be foreign keys to tables listing the allowed types. Since there are so few options, splitting them off into their own tables would be over normalization. The URL columns, if not unique within their tables, could be consolidated into their own tables leaving behind a foreign key.