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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

Notes from the Mozilla Reps Council meeting on 2015/03/25 07:30:00 AM.




Paris Meetup

the council gather feedback from some mentors and we're sharing more of the content with the rest of mentors and then Reps. Since the nature of the meeting was different and we had many workshops we're looking for ways to reproduce those workshops online to give all Reps the opportunity to take place. We will start with the mentors and as test them.

Council Elections

  • The council elections will take place some weeks later than planned. Exact dates will be shared out soon.
  • Looking at the Council SOP to make sure it accurately reflects the current and future role of Reps Council.
  • Discussing Diversity of future councils, how to encourage people to participate and envision themselves as part of council.

Webmaker Communication

  • Review of communication to webmaker, reps and cbt list on the topic raised by Lawrence.
  • Council acknowledges that Bugzilla is a communication channel and that we can get better at communicating there
  • Planning for meeting with Webmaker team next week (depending on Doodle)
  • Design and share an escalation/communication chart or path for Reps and community who have a concern. So it is very clear who can help at every stage.

Help for council members

  • Staff members on the Reps team are talking to Council members to understand what are the best ways to help them be effective.
  • Thinking about project management for Reps council vrs task Tracking
  • Identifying tasks or task-types currently handled by council, as a way to better understand workload and opportunities to for Reps team to help.
  • Finding a way around the 'I don't want to step on toes' concern when it comes to council duties. ie: should I do this? Should council chair do this?


Many reps bring up the lack of transparency in conversations. The Council is examining the meeting notes and it seems to be that there are many discussions that are not shared because they are not well documented or are in emails. We want to start documenting this discussions better and sharing them more often on the meeting notes. This often means, identifying and communicating discussions that happen in-bewetween actual agenda items.

    Some of these conversations are:
  • The Council is overwhelmed with budget reviews, there are too many budgets and in some cases they are not following SOPs which triggers a frustrating process of asking questions. The council would like to find a more proactive solution
  • The Council would like to spend more time thinking about the future of the program, rather than responding to incoming problems. We're looking to transition to a more proactive and strategic mode
  • One of the concerns of the council is that sometimes Reps and functional teams are not well connected and Reps a) don't know what are the exact priorities of the functional team currently, b) don't get guidance from the functional teams. This results in planning initiatives where the Council is having a hard time understanding if they are aligned to the impact that functional teams wish to have.