TPE Necko/Dashboard/Resolved 2017
From MozillaWiki
7 Total; 7 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
ID | Component | Summary | Target milestone | Resolution | Assigned to | Last change time |
1356391 | Networking: Cookies | Intermittent netwerk/cookie/test/browser/browser_originattributes.js | Test timed out - | --- | INCOMPLETE | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2018-07-16T01:23:24Z |
1338309 | Networking: Cookies | Gmail complains that cookies are disabled in e10s windows | --- | WORKSFORME | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-08-02T03:30:17Z |
1331680 | Networking: Cookies | Consider not doing sync IPC for document.cookie getter/setter | mozilla57 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2022-03-02T15:51:57Z |
1364466 | Networking: Cookies | Cookie lost with custom container | --- | WORKSFORME | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-09-13T14:06:30Z |
1376009 | Networking: Cookies | Crash in mozalloc_abort | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::ipc::LogicError | mozilla::net::PCookieServiceChild::SendGetCookieString | mozilla57 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-08-30T15:00:54Z |
1374939 | Networking: Cookies | Crash in mozalloc_abort | NS_DebugBreak | mozilla::ipc::LogicError | mozilla::net::PCookieService::Transition | --- | DUPLICATE | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-08-23T02:48:50Z |
1366578 | Networking: Cookies | cookies are not transmitted when handling custom protocol | --- | WORKSFORME | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-08-23T02:49:57Z |
1378240 | Networking: Cookies | Nightly sometimes deletes all cookies | --- | WORKSFORME | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-09-06T06:44:07Z |
1355729 | Networking: Cookies | Quoted values in cookies do not work | --- | WORKSFORME | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-10-09T07:27:59Z |
1286858 | Networking: Cookies | Modify nsCookie*, interfaces and storage to include the SameSite attribute | mozilla58 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2018-02-21T09:22:40Z |
1360603 | Downloads API | Mark Save as... channels used for download as throttleable | mozilla58 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-09-28T15:52:38Z |
11 Total; 11 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
ID | Component | Summary | Target milestone | Resolution | Assigned to | Last change time |
1346364 | Networking: Cookies | Extend telemetry for measure how often secure cookies are set from non-secure origins | --- | DUPLICATE | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-04-25T13:32:12Z |
1366578 | Networking: Cookies | cookies are not transmitted when handling custom protocol | --- | WORKSFORME | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-08-23T02:49:57Z |
2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
ID | Component | Summary | Target milestone | Resolution | Assigned to | Last change time |
1305380 | Networking: Cookies | Crash in IPCError-browser | (msgtype=0x4E0001,name=PCookieService::Msg_GetCookieString) Processing error: message was deserializ | --- | WORKSFORME | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-01-12T13:19:41Z |
1325909 | Networking: Cookies | Add a new bucket and modify the bucket name on telemetry COOKIE_LEAVE_SECURE_ALONE. | mozilla54 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-02-10T23:25:58Z |
1319403 | Networking: Cookies | deleting session cookies | mozilla54 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2018-12-02T20:00:12Z |
1312774 | Networking: HTTP | Allow channels marked as "urgentStart" to bypass connection limits | mozilla55 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-04-14T10:29:50Z |
1348041 | Networking: HTTP | Change default of network.http.max-urgent-start-excessive-connections-per-host to 3 | mozilla55 | FIXED | Amy Chung [:Amy] | 2017-03-29T14:01:30Z |
5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);