
< TPEPlatform



MediaEncoder bug 879688

  • The framework and encoding pipeline of MediaEncoder bug 842243 / Shelly
    • Fixed compiling errors on try-server.
    • review: landed
  • WebAudio stack-buffer-overflow crash bug 882956/ Shelly
    • Just assigned.
  • Add support for multi-track encoding to audio encoder bug 882603 / Shelly
    • Reported future feature.

Media Source Extension

  • Study W3C spec/ John


  • read documents / JW
    • Android MediaRecorder class
    • media content format (format vs. codec)
    • W3C MediaStream Recording
    • W3C MediaStream Capture Scenarios
    • W3C HTML Media Capture
    • Media Capture and Streams
  • study document / Alfredo
    • study AudioChannel, talk to Marco.
    • study MediaStreamGraph, tracing code from its mochitest sample.

Web Audio

  • read documents / JW
    • W3C Web Audio API
    • W3C Web Audio Processing: Use Cases and Requirements
    • trace code - content/media/webaudio

Streaming Media

WebRTC bug 750011

  • UDP E10S performance benchmark bug 869869/ S.C
    • Starting the review process with ekr.
    • Try merging e10s code with StevenLee's performance tuning work.
    • Preparing for the socket performance tooling section in WebRTC workweek
  • Enable WebRTC C++ unit tests on b2g bug 865956/ John
    • fix the slowness problem when running full signaling test suite. (By flushing main thread event queue)
    • sync latest m-c code and find a regression.
    • investigate the root cause of regression. (new nr_stun_get_addrs() introduced in bug 867933 failed in current C++ test environment)
  • Audio latency problem /Steven
    • trace decode/encode/sending paths of audio
    • check whether audio data is delayed in encode/decode/sending paths
    • prepare the material for work week

RTSP bug 831645 / Bechen

  • RTSP bug 831645
    • waiting for review
  • bug 877116 - [RTSP] audio playback latency is serious with the following media streams(Video:H.264 Audio:AAC)
    • The aac audio is corrupt when using hw decoder. Maybe it's a hw issue.
  • bug 877065 - RTSP integration test / William Hsu
    • We are trying to use the gaia-ui-test to verify the functionality of RTSP streaming.
    • Adding test case.
  • bug 879670 - Video frames reordering when playing Rtsp streaming. / Peter Chang
    • The issue seems not relative to rtsp, may be ImageHost/ImageBridge issue.
  • bug 878699 - RTSP user story, audio live stream in background?
    • see also bug 815069 - [Audio] A mechanism for Gecko components without media element to join audio competing policy


Canvas 2D/SkiaGL bug 858237

  • Bad performance of fishie tank bug 869199 / Peter
    • debug
  • Crash when skiaGL enabled bug 881169 / Peter
    • land
  • Integrate SurfaceTexture bug 875168 / Peter
    • analysis: Consider the gralloc buffer lifecycle

HW Composer

  • Wrong colorspace of gl rendering content bug 881460 / Peter
  • review


Free Agent

Memory Shrinking & Performance Tuning

  • Explicit page remapping and copy-on-write support in Linux kernel bug 877037 / TingYuan
    • Analyse the writes that trigger COW and cancel out the optimization.
      • Most of the writes are from IPCs.
      • Most of the IPCs are from logs to console.
      • Most of the logs are script errors.
  • Lots of IPCs caused by mozilla::dom::PContentChild::SendScriptError bug 881191 / TingYuan
    • In release builds console is disabled and elimiates all IPCs.
  • (Nuwa) Investigate implementing Gecko "template" content process bug 771765 / Cervantes
    • Update patches for the issues in the review comments
      • Renames, grammar fixes.
      • More documentation in the code.

IPDL enhancement

  • Protocol passed through arguments should be a friend class bug 783451 / User:Kanru
    • Wrote a patch to add a test case for it.
      • Reviewing

Power / Wake Lock

  • "Assertion failure: count.numLocks >= count.numHidden" switching tabs in full-screen mode bug 880468, bug 809671 / User:Kanru
    • Investigated and found that this bug didn't uplift to b2g18-v1.0.1
      • Uplifted to b2g18
  • [System] WakeLock needs to be released when app switching bug 880609 / User:Kanru
    • Investigated and found it's a gaia issue


  • B2G Multi-SIM: add MSimRadioInterfaceLayer bug 814581 / User:Kanru
    • Discuss and review patch from vicamo
      • Reviewed

FM radio

  • FM radio callbacks FM_RADIO_OPERATION_ENABLE when trying to disable it bug 880162 / Steven
    • landed


  • Support for DOM3 focusin/focusout bug 687787 / Alfredo
    • Add mochitest
    • On going review process

Web Animation

  • Study the spec on W3C. /Shelly
    • Finish the part of Timing Model.