→Integration with Source Code Management programs
*[http://www.fridu.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=7&id=25&Itemid=59 CVS to Bugzilla integration] - A detailed description of an email solution to integrate cvs and webcvs into Bugzilla without patching either Bugzilla, cvs or webcvs.
*[http://oss.segetech.com/integration.html Bugzilla/CVS/Wiki integration guide] (website) - A detailed guide to integrate incrementally Bugzilla/CVS/MediaWiki and also mailing lists and various CVS utilities.(circa 2006, for Bugzilla 3.x)
*[http://oss.segetech.com/bugzilla-svn-wiki.html Bugzilla/SVN/Wiki integration guide] (website) - A detailed guide to integrate incrementally Bugzilla/SVN/MediaWiki and also mailing lists and various SVN utilities.