= Contributing to BMO =
If you'd like to help out with BMO specifically (as opposed to the general upstream [[Bugzilla|Bugzilla project]]), you can find us in [irc://irc.mozilla.org/bmo #bmo] on irc.mozilla.org. If you plan on contributing patches, see the documentation on in the [[BMOhttps://github.com/mozilla-bteam/bmo/blob/master/Hacking|hacking BMO]README.rst README.rst]. You can file bugs under the [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=bugzilla.mozilla.org bugzilla.mozilla.org product]. Don't file them under the Bugzilla product unless you are sure it's a bug in the general Bugzilla product. In particular, all administrative changes should be filed under bugzilla.mozilla.org (see below for more).
The BMO team meets [http://arewemeetingyet.com/Toronto/2015-05-05/11:30/w/BMO%20meeting every Tuesday at 11:30 AM EST/EDT] in the A-Team Vidyo Room (8416), [[Teleconferencing|dial-in]] extension 98416. We're open to all! You can also see (generally, quite brief) [[BMO/Meetings|minutes of past meetings]].