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Mirror Related

How long before a mirror is up to date?

It depends on the specific repository, and on factors such as the number of changesets being pushed. Additionally, since some official mirrors are located outside of the domain, we are also dependent on those services availability and bandwidth.

In general, each official mirror attempts an update every 10 minutes. For repositories which directly receive pushes from committers (e.g. mozilla-inbound), it's reasonable to expect a push to propegate in about 20 minutes.

For repositories primarily updated via merges (aka uplifts), the delay will depend upon the number of changesets in the merge. For merge day type operations, this can take many hours.

The mirror commit list shows a mirror repository hasn't been updated in XX days - what's wrong?

There are two potential situations here:

  • Everything is fine, a different search for the changeset may help resolve any confusion. Both Mercurial (hg) and git keep the time of the first commit with the changeset as it gets pushed to other repositories. So if I committed to my local m-c repository last Wednesday, then pushed it to the RoR on last Friday, from whence it got merged into m-z on Monday. The "last updated" date may show as last Wednesday.
    • searching the log for the commit description can be useful, since (by convention) we put the bug # in the description:
   hg log --template '{node|short} {desc|firstline}\n' | grep -w XXXXXX
   git log --grep XXXXXX
  • There really is a problem (see #latency). If you don't see a changeset within the expected time, please check in #build and/or file a bug. (Please do include the changeset references for the Repository of Record.)