November 05, 2013
This is a weekly meeting where we discuss and prioritize bugs found in the beta of the MDN redesign.
- Launch blocking bugs
- New/to be processed bugs
- Bugs that can be addressed after launch
For this meeting, we concentrated on the bugs in this tree:
What’s new this week
Sheppy has been posting released updates on his blog:
New page layouts: to resolve several bugs with content placement; the goal was to widen the middle column & as a result we now have three different layouts depending on screen resolution/width. Need help with:
- Testing pages in different resolutions (specifically, smaller screens such as phones and tablets) and reporting any problems using this process:
- Reviewing the (many) layout-released bugs and closing if the changes fix them, if not note in the comments.
- When testing, file a bug and/or post on dev-mdc. Teoli will summarize all layout-related bugs in dev-mdc in a few; it is important that mars and habber get all the feedback, if possible not in 200 e-mails!
New in-content styles: New styles are collected here: These should fix most of the internal styles of articles to they match the overall site design. The goal is to have as few in-content styles as possible and to clean a lot of outdated styles. We still have quite a few style="" and we need to take care of them. So if you see something out of place (like a strange font), report it so that this can be fixed. They are a remnant pre-custom CSS and we want to remove them all, and then forbid them in Kuma. Once we get the "find" feature, it will be a lot easier to remove Need the following feedback:
- On the in-content redesign itself – how does it look?
- What in-content widgets were missed?
Key discussions/decisions:
When there is enough information in the bug alispivak will make a decision (blocking/not blocking/not doing) & communicate out via mailing list & this meeting.
Will move away from per-page CSS & keep consistent styles. Going forward, pages are going to be prevented from having custom styles on them, for consistency and reliability. Any special content will go into live samples.
Bugs moved to Post launch:
- Bug min, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, In supported browsers, use position:sticky rather than JavaScript for TOC
- Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Redesign TOC has a bunch of empty
tags in markup
Bugs we are not fixing or duplicates:
- Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, RESO DUPLICATE, For gaia endurance test cases: Should keep the data and saved in the file system
- Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, The fact the TOC is collapsable is hardly discoverable
- Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, Search results in MDN completely broken. Relevance and useless redirects.
10:33 Bugs marked with needsinfo:
- Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Move page's metadata into a separate page
Action Items
- ACTION (sheppy): post link to blog posts on the Redesign wiki
- ACTION (teoli): post a call for feedback on dev-mdc
- ACTION (everyone!): need Mozillians to test pages in different resolutions and report any problems.
- ACTION (alispivak): schedule a meeting to do a pass through the ones we have currently down as blockers and decide if the REALLY need to block the launch