From MozillaWiki
November 25th, 2015
- Doing a release in the week after Orlando - Last 4.2, 4.4.x, 5.0.x and 5.1.x - dkl to make a list of things he'd like to delegate
- Gerv to size the YUI migration work - Dave, Ryan and perhaps others to take a piece each
- dylan is reviewing PSGI patch
Project leaders:
- justdave
Assistant project leaders:
- mcote (no longer glob; trying to persuade dkl)
- justdave
- dkl
- simon
- all approvers
- gerv
- LpSolit
- dylan
(non-db-migration changes on trunk don't need approval)
(docs changes don't need review)
- Next big thing on the horizon is pinching stuff from BMO once they merge to trunk
- BMO merge is a branch in the bmo repo on git.m.o - "upstream-merge"
- Working on getting a test server stood up
- Having all this ready is currently a Q4 goal for the BMO team, but things keep getting deferred
File a developer docs bug for how to rev an API call
Dylan volunteered to look for bugs that Denis is CCed on or GNOME people are CCed on and try and work out what a roadmap feature set would be that would be interesting to those users, ready for the December meeting