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Releasing Mozmill has a lot of moving parts. Here's how it's done.

(See for the bad page title)

Bump the Version Numbers in the Source

Versions are recorded in the python package files, and the extension install.rdf files (for jsbridge and mozmill). In addition, the python package dependencies should be appropriately bumped as well.

In order to bump the versions, it is recommended that you use the version bumping script:

Using --help to see the options for this script.

Make a bug and attach the patch for review.

Tag the Version

Once the versions are bumped and committed to , the branch should be tagged with the appropriate version. As an example, for the hotfix-1.5 branch ( ), the process looks like this:

git pull --tags mozauto hotfix-1.5
git tag
git tag 1.5.5
git push --tags mozauto hotfix-1.5

Release to PyPi

Go into each directory (mozrunner/mozmill/jsbridge) and upload the package to pypi:

for i in mozrunner mozmill jsbridge; do cd $i; python sdist upload; cd ..; done

Note: To upload to PyPI, you'll have to have a key registered with pypi and be listed as a maintainer of the pypi packages in order for the upload step to work. If you need that access for some reason, let jhammel or ctalbert know.

Release to AMO should be updated for the latest mozmill version.

  1. Once you have a final version, cd into mozmill/mozmill/mozmill/extension
  2. Run: ant -f build.xml (this builds the extension)
  3. Log into your AMO account (assuming you are an owner of mozmill on AMO), upload the new extension and fill out the required forms on AMO for it.